Live the Moment

Sunday Rhythms
Setting up your week to feel more intentional, meaningful, and focused usually starts with good Sunday Rhythms.

The Weekly Unplanner
We are in the midst of the holiday season, and approaching a new year. When you're facing the challenge of too much on the calendar, and the question of "which thing do I do first?" it can feel overwhelming, and even feel like you're stuck in indecision, burn-out, and a never-ending to-do list.

A Letter to My Younger Self

Exciting News!
Recently, I decided to begin giving back through my business. I partnered with a nonprofit called Kurandza which empowers girls in Mozambique through education. As a female-founded organization that invests in the future of women, its mission really hit home. The more I learned about them, the more their work resonated with me! #WomenSupportingWomen

Rhythms in Your Career and Life
October is my favorite month of the year. It hosts my favorite color palette, the delightful mix of cool and warm weather, cozy nights inside, and fresh air walks outside. Fall is my favorite season in Ohio. And for me, it's the perfect time to set new intentions. October is my New Year.

A Moment to Pause
When we're facing so much of the unknown and the unseen, it may feel challenging to trust that something beautiful awaits us on the other side of this season. We are in the here and now and must behold it, both the beauty and the suffering. The clarity of enlightenment, and the cloud of uncertainty.

4 Core Areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally: Others
This series is to highlight the 4 core areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally. These core areas are the foundation for all the coaching and consulting work I support, for individuals, teams, and organizations.

What are the 43% doing?
It's the end of the work day, and I feel myself wanting to be pulled into doing just one more thing. The spreadsheets are open. The reports are calling. The house and the work to-do list are both front and center. Just one more thing. If I just do this one more thing, I'll save time later, I say to myself. So, there I am, well past 5 pm, struggling with bringing an end to my work day and transitioning well into being present at home.

To Live Like It's Sunday Morning
I love Sunday mornings, especially when I can take a few more minutes to enjoy the quiet. The kids are staying up later, so mornings are a little quieter for a bit longer than usual for now. I love to light my candle in the morning, brew some coffee, and hold the moment as long as I can.

3 Ideas to Make Meetings More Meaningful
They take up most of the day. You wonder if they're meaningful, helpful, or worth the time. As a busy leader, time holds great value. Here are 3 ideas to get more out of your meetings. And the most fun takeaway: Be willing to experiment!

4 Core Areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally: Self
This series is to highlight the 4 core areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally. These core areas are the foundation for all the coaching and consulting work I support, for individuals, teams, and organizations.

3 Things to Help Your Team Thrive More Consistently
As a caring leader, you want more for them. Be willing to invest in these 3 things to help your team thrive more consistently. And as importantly, invest in these things for you. They will thank you for it.

3 Ways to Connect in a Meaningful Way
When connecting with others, one way to make it feel fresh and meaningful is to emphasize an inspiring future vision. Move the conversation into new territory by creating an opportunity to talk about both what is possible and what is meaningful. It’s an incredible gift and a caring act to give someone space to be heard around what they want most, and what they hope to see come to life.

5 Ways to Calm Anxiety in less than 15 minutes
Here are 5 ways to calm anxiety in less than 15 mins

You have to learn to say ‘no more’
“You have to learn to say no more, Jen.” These words weigh heavy on me as I look around my life—overworked, frustrated, pulled in a million directions, things falling apart everywhere, but somehow trying to keep it together.

5 Ways to Care for Your Well-Being Now
Here are five ways to care for your well-being right now.

The one book I use as a leadership tool (this will surprise you)
I close my eyes and take a step back in time. It’s a warm, sunny afternoon, and I’m standing in the corner of the library. I can see the sage, ochre, and amethyst-colored hills outside the tall windows. I hear pages flipping, and the gentle gliding sound of the card catalog drawers. I can smell the papers, the leathers, the inks. The sun streams through the windows and floods the carpet with light. I walk slowly among the shadows and beams as I browse for my latest favorite mystery novel.

Are you taking action with self-compassion?
Do you find yourself feeling stuck sometimes in a negative mind loop, and wondering why you can’t move forward? Are you hesitant to face big emotions or do you push away your feelings? Do you feel like you’re not moving fast enough to see the bright side?

A Genuine and Open Invitation to Co-Create the Future
The last days, weeks, and months have been full of emotions and challenges, sometimes more questions than answers, and likely some really deep heartfelt longings. Saying yes to meaningful conversations and connection, to times of renewal together, to reconciliation— It's a gift and a joy to come together in community with others to move toward hope and restoration.