4 Core Areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally: Others

This series is to highlight the 4 core areas to Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally. These core areas are the foundation for all the coaching and consulting work I support, for individuals, teams, and organizations.

When focusing on these 4 core areas, we will draw on ideas and principles from Intentional Change Theory and Appreciative Inquiry.

When taking on personal change, and pursing a desire to lead wholeheartedly, it’s critical to understand the role we play in our relationships to others. A major component to understanding our leadership style and our impact on others is by understanding EQ—emotional intelligence. and our ability to engage in coaching with compassion.

Discovering your own EQ and learning to coach with compassion creates the opportunity for you to become a growth-minded, inspiring, bold and empathetic leader.

As a result, your deeper awareness allows you to create the space needed to make decisions from a place of wholeness.

If you find yourself struggling with one or more of the following:

  • Conflict management/constant communication challenges and misunderstandings

  • Reactive and impulsive or foggy/unclear feelings when making decisions

  • A disconnection from your emotions and the emotions of others

  • Inability to recognize how your emotions are influencing your thoughts and actions

Then, it will be a gift to yourself and others to understand your own EQ as well as understanding the role of positive and negative emotions and their affect on our sense of thriving and well being, and how it impacts the cultures we are creating in our organizations and environments.

Download this quick free resource offering some highlights and questions around emotions and leadership.

Ready to explore more about your own leadership, coaching, and emotional intelligence?

Learn about my Executive Coaching and Consulting Services.


A Moment to Pause


What are the 43% doing?