A Letter to My Younger Self

Keep learning to ground yourself in knowing who you really are.

Accept yourself as you are right now.

Know that you will keep growing and changing.

Release yourself from limited perceptions.

Love yourself in a way that is self-compassionate and whole.

Focus on inner life that leads to rich and meaningful outer living.

Find confidence in the good you are.

The ways you are strong.

The ways you are joyful.

Find the humor in all the imperfections of life.

Forgive yourself when you need to.

Keep working on being intentional with your time.

Let go of the pressures that don’t lead to wholeness.

Find love that helps you grow and feels true.

Own yourself fully.

Love what you have brought into this world without constantly feeling guilt, shame, self-doubt.

Keep on trying to savor what is here and now.

Savor the cup of coffee, the beautiful scenery.

Savor the quiet when it comes.

Thank you for the ways you have been humbled.

Practice leaning into love when anger and hurt want to take over.

Acknowledge anger and hurt that ultimately leads to solutions.

Keep finding ways to stand for what’s right.

Find more places of belonging.

Build authentic relationships.

Live more and more in line with your values.

Embrace yourself in each new season.

If you want to write your own letter to your younger self, or simply take some time to reflect on some things you may need most right now, hit the button below for some reflections and sentence starters.


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