Strengths Series: Bring it All Together

Lead Wholeheartedly and Live Intentionally: bring it all together and lean into your strengths.  Highlights and resources from this episode:

  • Go back and look at your VIA Strengths Survey Results.

  • Recall your life-giving stories—ways that you really noticed yourself come alive, feel inspired, feel at your best, in flow.

  • Bring the two together and notice what really stands out.

Here's an example.
One of my strengths is "Appreciation of Beauty & Excellence."

You may have picked up on that!  As I reflected on my own life-giving stories, it couldn't have been more true! 

A life-giving story I used to demonstrate how this really showed up for me was when we hosted Thanksgiving in our home. 

The 3 ways I felt alive, inspired, and saw my strengths at play:

  • I got so much satisfaction setting the atmosphere. Bringing in natural elements and taking time to arrange simple centerpieces. I loved noticing all the details and appreciating what they "bring to the table."

  • I loved watching my daughter and my mother-in-law cooking. They both are great at cooking and baking, and really enjoy that process. I appreciated seeing their skills and talents coming to life in those moments.

  • Giving the space at the dinner table to ask questions that made us all pause and appreciate something from the past year . . . something we were happy we learned, something that reminded us of the good in the world.

When we look at our life-giving stories and tie them back to the descriptions in the character strengths, it becomes crystal clear how and when you operate in those strengths.

Use this Guide to Bringing it All Together to help you connect the dots.

Also, feel free to use The PEA Activity Guide: Strengths as a reminder to keep putting those strengths into action.

Check back here soon for more ways to connect to your own values and strengths so that you can develop a positive, affirming, and clear way forward.



Strengths Series: On Hope and Humanity


Strengths Series: What are the 43% Doing?