I believe we’re all longing for more.

We want a life that integrates our whole being, where we live with more freedom and courage, and also deeply rooted, soulful and compassionate. 

We want to provide for our families and serve in career and community, not only by carrying the weight of responsibility.

We want to fully own our voices, commit to today, and help others thrive.


We want a life that integrates our whole being, where we live with more inner freedom, bold and courageous, and also deeply rooted, soulful and compassionate. 

We want to provide for our families and serve in career and community, not only by carrying the weight of responsibility.

We want to fully own our voices, commit to today, and help others thrive.

I know the struggle of living under the weight of responsibility that leads to burnout.

You may find yourself pursuing dreams only to see them fall to the side, lose your sense of self; even lose the ability to lead with hope, build resilience, and feel inspired.

I grew up as a pastor's daughter, influenced by spiritual teachings and learning how to be in close community with others.  We lived in three different states, among three different cultures, classes, and careers, from the West, to the South, to the Midwest.   Being in a pastor's family, you witness the emotions that come with serving people in all different capacities: weddings, funerals, illness, celebrations, conflict, family & relationship challenges, disaster, and rebuilding.

I believe this was the beginning of my journey into my own leadership and support roles. I learned first-hand the values of giving and serving others. These lessons stayed with me and guided me as I pursued my own career, education and family. And while they were great values that stayed with me from the beginning, I also felt like I still had so much learning and unlearning to do to find my own path.

I'm most proud of staying the course and pursuing my education.  For me, this was highly important, as I dreamed of having a college education since I was 8 years old.  From a young age, I was anxious to start school (my husband often jokes that I was born with a backpack, ready for college!) I loved to learn and read, and you'd often find me in a tree or on the swing set, pondering life and it's meaning.

I worried my dream fell apart when I married young and started a family right away.   We were mostly living through surviving in those early years, and I took a break from school and gained a steady job to help support our growing family. 

Then, in my mid-twenties, I took a break in my career to stay home with my two young children. That was the year my dad became severely ill and passed away.  This was a pivotal moment for me.  In his last years of life, my dad and I had the chance to form a better relationship.  I'm sure he knew he didn't have much time left here, so he spent as much time as he could with us, loving our kids, and offering us down-to-earth wisdom over hazelnut coffee.  He would stop over every afternoon after work, and sit with me and my two babies at our kitchen table in our quaint Victorian apartment.  We'd talk about life, money, faith and raising kids. 

He told me, "Jen, don't get so busy surviving that you forget to live.  It's so easy when the kids are this little to have to survive.  Take it from me.  I know.  I wish I didn't miss some of that time when you were little."  My parents both knew that they wanted us to embrace life, and live it to the fullest. And to have fulfilling relationships.

After my dad passed away, and once the grief started to lift, I started to feel like there was more to life.  I took his advice to heart.  I was tired of surviving.  I wanted to thrive. 

I headed back to work and decided to go back to school.  My husband and I needed the income after his company closed unexpectedly.  I was passionate and ready for change.  I knew I wasn't going to live like this forever. 

It was time to move forward in a new way in our lives. 

Before I knew it, I was back in school, and growing in my career.   We had 3 kids now, and needed full-time care for them, so my husband and I decided he would stay home while I focused on school and work.  It was a bold move for us, having to steer away from a traditional model.  But it worked. 

We grew, and we managed, and we moved forward.

I kept growing at work, eventually moving into leading teams, and gaining new opportunities.  We still had some challenges through the years, and I had to take breaks from school on several occasions.

And while I still believed in my dreams, over a decade ago, I was expecting our fourth child, and I had to take a break from school again.  It was the height of the financial crash, and the pressures were mounting at home and work. 

It was then that I started to find my calling.

My roots never left me, and I worried I had missed out on some dreams by pursuing a more traditional career route.  I struggled living in the either/or mentality for far too long, leading me to question my path and constantly question myself instead of truly enjoying my growth.   

For years, I struggled with all my different roles, as a working mom, as a spiritual woman who also loved having independence and earning power, while still having a heart for people and service. 

I started to really see No more going through the motions, hanging on to fears and self-doubt.

And I saw how many women resonated with the same challenges-the constant balancing act of family and career. Feeling their relationships had to suffer to make one or the other work right.

In church life, we were often taught that we had a calling, something that would make our mark on the world.

I wanted to figure out what was calling out to me right now.

 I knew I longed for more.  I desired a life that felt more whole.

I wanted to provide for my family and serve in my career and community, bringing it all together to create a meaningful life, and encouraging others to do the same.

My husband and I decided to rebuild our lives.

We served our community in group coaching experiences centered around inner freedom, specifically on creating and sustaining healthy relationships. 

We both decided to go back to school and commit to careers we'd love.

As a coach, I help leaders embrace more of living intentionally,

and practice the desire to connect with others in meaningful ways.

They want to create environments where people are engaged in their work and feel a shared sense of purpose.

Home life feels caring and whole.

And they feel more energized and reconnected to their own purpose and well-being.  

For the past 20 years, I’ve developed my career while raising my family, learning to fully embrace and enjoy being a leader, businesswoman, wife, and mother.

I also finished my life-long dream of getting my degree, graduating with a Masters.

All these experiences have shown me the high value of self-awareness and powerful service to others, and the keys to resilience, leadership, and change.

And I want this for you.

To live wholeheartedly as a leader, with impact, intention, and more inner freedom.